Caen, 65m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
littoclime (youknowit)
07:16-19:05 (CET)
This urban weather station is located northwest of Caen in a residential area established on the plateau overlooking the city centre and the Orne valley.
littoclime (youknowit)
07:16-19:05 (CET)
This urban weather station is located northwest of Caen in a residential area established on the plateau overlooking the city centre and the Orne valley.
Page views in 2025: 1938
Nota: Calculado con los datos anuales donde el promedio de la velocidad del viento es mayor a 4km/h.
Promedios Actualizado: 17:25:03 Fri CET
:( ... No data from this time interval.
:( ... No data from this time interval.
3 h
6 h
1 d
5 d(max)
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Actualizado: 17:25:03 Fri CET
- Velocidad del viento (km/h)
- Dirección del viento (°deg)
- Temperatura (°C)
- Luz
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- Lluvia(mm)
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- Standard Presión (hPa)
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