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Shack int Dales
Wind now (km/h)
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Wind tendency
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- - °C
- °C
- °C
Wind avg. 15min (km/h)
---km/h -
Daily wind
-km/h | -km/h
Std. Pressure



Rain Graphs

Settle, North Yorkshire, U.K., 487m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
High Greet Hill

07:55-17:50 (BST)
The shack is a Radio Ham station situated high in the Yorkshire Dales, It gets the full force of weather and should give excellent up to date info for all especially the local paragliding community.
Page views in 2024: 6346
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 00:52:36 Thu BST
:( ... No data from this time interval.

:( ... No data from this time interval.

Graphs ZOOM 3 h 6 h 12h 1 d 5 d(max) Synchronized zoom updated: 00:52:36 Thu BST
- Wind speed (km/h)
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