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Da Nang, 640m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
SonTra takeoff

05:24-18:04 (+07)
SonTra peninsula, DNPG takeoff, DaNang city, VietNam. You can fly almost the full Spring and Summer with E and SE wind. The site mostly ridges soaring with some few small thermals that can lead you up to 1000m ASL. Take off and landing zone is easy for everyone.
Page views in 2024: 2983
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 07:37:11 Fri +07
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Graphs ZOOM 3 h 6 h 12h 1 d 5 d(max) Synchronized zoom updated: 07:37:11 Fri +07
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