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Rhum JM
Wind now (knots)
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Wind tendency
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- - °C
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- °C
Wind avg. 15min (knots)
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Daily wind
-knots | -knots



Rain Graphs

Macouba, Martinique, 145m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
Rhum JM

05:43-18:20 (AST)
Our weather station faces the ocean and Dominica, on one of the buildings where our famous rum is aged. We hope that this information will delight nature lovers as much as it helps us to refine our cane farming.
Page views in 2024: 519
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 09:47:26 Fri AST
:( ... No data from this time interval.

:( ... No data from this time interval.

Graphs ZOOM 3 h 6 h 12h 1 d 5 d(max) Synchronized zoom updated: 09:47:26 Fri AST
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