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Maukatia (Māori Bay)
Wind now (km/h)
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Wind tendency
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Wind avg. 15min (km/h)
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Daily wind
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Auckland, New Zealand, 85m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
Maukatia (Māori Bay), Muriwai
06:47-20:25 (NZDT)
In addition to Maukatia (Maori) Bay this weather station also provides a wind direction for the North West Face at Muriwai, which is flyable when the wind direction is NW.

Note: Due to the nature of the topography where the weather station is positioned, the true wind direction may be more due South (and therefore potentially flyable in the bowl) when the station indicates SSE. As always, exercise caution when deciding whether to fly and, if in doubt, check the true wind direction by walking out to the viewing platform for the gannet colony.

Access Conditions:

Over-flying of the gannet colony on the tip of Otakamiro Point is prohibited and care should be taken to not to disturb the gannets, particularly during the months of August, September and October.

Take-off and landing on the right hand shoulder of the bowl on the southern side of Otakamiro Point, i.e to the right of the Maori Bay carpark, is prohibited.
As this site is within a Regional Park care needs to be taken of vegetation etc. and, when landing on the beach, consideration of other beach users is required.


Beware of the increased compression in higher winds when endeavouring to top land close to the carpark. Take note that north westerly and southerly winds both tend to funnel up the face of Maori Bay when in fact they are often too cross to safely fly. When attempting to fly south and get above the cliffs in front of Janies beware of the possibility of turbulence off the southern point.

Paraglider and Hang glider pilots are not the only users of these Muriwal sites and you need to remain alert for the possibility of radio controlled model aircraft - their operator s perceptions of your height and speed are not always that accurate.

This weather station is owned and operated by the Auckland Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club (
Page views in 2025: 669
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 05:01:03 Tue NZDT
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Graphs ZOOM 3 h 6 h 12h 1 d 5 d(max) Synchronized zoom updated: 05:01:03 Tue NZDT
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