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Wind now (km/h)
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Wind tendency
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- - °C
- °C
- °C
Wind avg. 15min (km/h)
---km/h -
Daily wind
-km/h | -km/h



New Zealand, 410m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
Footes Hill
05:48-20:58 (NZDT)
This is Private farm Land and can only be accessed by members of the NZHGPA with current membership, or visiting pilots with current membership number. And by application to the farmer by cell 0275264313 there is a sign in and out board to use please use it.
Page views in 2024: 11255
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 01:27:54 Sun NZDT
:( ... No data from this time interval.

:( ... No data from this time interval.

Graphs ZOOM 3 h 6 h 12h 1 d 5 d(max) Synchronized zoom updated: 01:27:54 Sun NZDT
- Wind speed (km/h)
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- Temperature (°C)
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