India, Tamil Nadu, , 15m (AMSL) |SHOW ON MAP|
C2Sky - Aqua Outback
c2skykitecenter.com, info (youknowit) c2skykitecenter.com
06:25-18:28 (IST)
C2Sky Kitecenter - Kitesurf center, lessons,
Aqua Outback resort with activities kayaking, snorkeling,
Adventure sports
C2Sky - Aqua Outback
c2skykitecenter.com, info (youknowit) c2skykitecenter.com
06:25-18:28 (IST)
C2Sky Kitecenter - Kitesurf center, lessons,
Aqua Outback resort with activities kayaking, snorkeling,
Adventure sports
Page views in 2025: 1772
Note: Calculated from yearly data where the average wind speed is more than 4km/h.
Averages updated: 16:54:49 Wed IST
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6 h
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5 d(max)
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updated: 16:54:49 Wed IST
- Wind speed (knots)
- Wind direction (°deg)
- Temperature (°C)
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