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Support guides and manuals

Descriptions for the weather data monitor page
  1. The "wind rose": The actual wind's graphical display
  2. How are the Holfuy weather stations measuring and processing the wind speed
  3. How does Holfuy process and show the pressure readings
  4. About the "formula" for the estimated cloud base calculations
  5. How to find a Holfuy station's ID

Guides for the website
  1. How to get the archive data of a weather station (for station owners)
  2. How private weather data hosting works (for station owners)
  3. How to change a station's administrator (for station owners)
  4. How to customize the data monitor page (for station owners)

Guides for the installation/maintenance of a Holfuy Weather station
  1. How to set the direction offset (for station owners)
  2. How to enable the weather station's data monitor page (for station owners)
  3. How to replace the SIM card in a Holfuy weather station (for station owners)

Installation guides for connecting new sensors to your weather station
  1. How to replace a Davis 6410 wind speed sensor's cartridge with the bearings (for station owners)
  2. How to connect a new Davis 6410 wind sensor to your weather station (for station owners)
  3. How to upgrade your station with a pressure sensor (for station owners)
  4. How to upgrade your station with a humidity sensor (for station owners)
  5. How to upgrade your station with a rain sensor (for station owners)
  6. Which wind sensors could be connected to a Holfuy weather station.

Hardware upgrade guides for Holfuy weather stations.
  1. How to replace the main board in a Holfuy standard weather station. (for station owners)
  2. How to build a Standard battery pack for newer Holfuy main boards (above V6.X). (for station owners)

Troubleshooting guides
  1. The direction readings from the Davis 6410 sensor are not accurate (for station owners)
  2. The speed readings from the Davis 6410 sensor are not accurate (for station owners)
  3. The rain sensor is not measuring any precipitation. (for station owners)
  4. The rain sensor is sending inaccurate precipitation readings. (for station owners)

Other guides
  1. How to register your Holfuy station as a Windguru station (for station owners)
  2. How to add your Holfuy station to (for station owners)
  3. How to add your Holfuy station to Weather Underground (for station owners)


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